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日期:2014-04-18  作者:郭健(广东吉他研究会副秘书长)

10月的广州已步进深秋,但骄傲的午后太阳却让这座城市燥热依旧,而Dusty Woodruff先生与Matthew Anderson先生的精彩演出,着实为广州及来自周边城市的吉他乐迷带来了沁心的滋润。2013年10月26日,来自美国的两位吉他演奏家在广州大剧院献演了一场独特的“下午场”音乐会,作为雅典吉他二重奏(Athens Guitar Duo)“麦哲伦式”访华巡演的最后一站。从笔者以往观赏高雅演出的经验来看,安排在“下午场”时段的古典吉他音乐会在广州还是第一次。

  音乐会当天的曲目安排可谓相当大胆而别出心裁,“清一色”以现、当代作曲家及编曲家的作品为主。除了Astor Piazzolla和Manuel de Falla的两部经典作品之外,其余曲目均极少在国内的吉他音乐会节目单上出现。曲目的风格涵盖了西班牙、吉普赛、希腊、拉丁、北美和中国等多种元素,而来自Fazil Say的The Princess of Lykia及Cody Brookshire编曲的中国民乐作品《彩云追月》,更是让现场观众充满了期待。

  毫无疑问,两位演奏家以其热情大胆的表演风格、精湛的技艺和细致入微的音乐处理征服了广州的吉他乐迷。无论从声音的控制、速度与节奏的咬合,还是两人整体配合和控场能力来看,都充分体现了这支二重奏组合深厚的演奏功底和良好的音乐素养,给大家留下了深刻的印象。即使是对演奏技术几近严苛的Tango Suite,即使是篇幅冗长、不停转换音乐画面的 Greek Suite和Comme des Grands,他们都能一一应付自如,全程背谱演奏,把完整的音乐形象呈现在听众面前。

  以The Princess of Lykia为例,面对引子部分近乎即兴的音乐动机,两位演奏家通过接二连三的声部交替把流行乐风格般的旋律线及和声走向演绎得沉稳、典雅,一步步地把听众领进这个古老的故事;当乐曲进行至主题部分,他们则突然转换为略带夸张、对比强烈的表演风格,运用了大量的敲板、扫弦等技巧制造出特别的声效,在多个不规则节奏的乐段里反复跳跃、层层推进。与其他几部专门写给六弦吉他的二重奏作品相比,Matthew Anderson先生手中的11弦吉他在这首曲子里无疑起到了锦上添花的效果,它不仅拓宽了低音的音域,而且让乐曲获得了更宽广的张力表现和丰富的层次感。笔者曾有幸观赏两位亚洲吉他演奏家演绎The Princess of Lykia的现场演出录像,我认为雅典吉他二重奏的版本要更胜一筹。

  当天音乐会的另外一首“重头戏”曲目是来自中国作曲家任光先生的《彩云追月》,雅典吉他二重奏的演出版本出自编曲家Cody Brookshire之手,此次属世界首演。《彩云追月》是中国听众相当熟悉的一首民乐作品,带有典型的广东民间音乐曲风,音乐语言简洁精炼、婉约从容。Cody Brookshire出神入化地使用了现代和声,通过大量的移调、离调、模进、变奏等手法把中国传统民乐的曲调与西洋音乐的和声融为一体。而两位演奏家则相应运用了较多的泛音、揉弦、鼓奏等多种技巧,将音量、音色的变化处理得极为细致、绚丽多彩,把中国民乐讲究的起承转合、轻重缓急表现得相当到位,赢得了满堂喝彩。

  不同的曲风和音乐元素之前的相互融合与碰撞贯穿了整场音乐会,最后以Andrew York的Evening Dance宣告落下帷幕,雅典吉他二重奏为广州的吉他乐迷编织了一场美好的“午后吉他音乐白日梦”。纵使两位演奏家有着不太一样的演奏风格:Dusty Woodruff先生偏向热烈、大胆,而Matthew Anderson先生则偏向于沉稳、内在;而恰好因为这样的互补组合,使他们在吉他音乐舞台上不断迸发出绚丽的火花,光彩夺目。

                                 广东吉他研究会 郭健

English Version

A Brief Review of Athens Guitar Duos Concert in Guangzhou, China

by Keen Kwok (Vice Secretary General of Guitar Society of Guangdong Province)

It was an afternoon in late autumn of Guangzhou, but the city was still hot and dry under the October sunlight. The splendid performance of Mr Dusty Woodruff and Mr Matthew Anderson really moisten the heart of guitar fans from Guangzhou and around cities. The two American guitarists held a unique matinee in Oct 26,2013, as the last stop of Athens guitar duo Magellans tour in China. As per my experiences of enjoying classic music concerts, it is the first time that the classical guitar matinee entering in Guangzhou

For building up a marvelous and given heart repertoire list, the programme mainly takes the modern and present composers’ and arrangers’ works. Except a couple of classic works composed by Astor Piazzolla and Manuel de Falla, the other musical works are rarely played on the guitar stage in China. The repertoire covers a wide range of musical element includes Spain, Gypsy, Greek, Latin, North America and China. Among them, Princess of Lykia by Fazil Say and Chinese traditional music Silver Clouds Chasing the Moon arranged by Cody Brookshire, are more expected by the audience.

Without any doubt, they won over Guangzhou guitar fans with their perfect performance, and impressed the audience deeply, passionately, masterly and meticulously. No matter the articulation, pacing and rhythm control, or their overall cooperation and dominant ability, has fully reflected their remarkable playing skill and high attainment . Even if some intricate pieces in several movements switch style frequently, such as Tango Suite, Greek Suite and Comme des Grands, they all can cope with recite-playing freely and present a full-range musical expression for the audience.

Take the Princess of Lykia as an example, facing the improvisational musical motives in the introduction, the two guitarists played stably and elegantly. Having or characterized by a pop music style melodic line and harmonic development, they played alternately on two parts, and bring the audience to an old story. When the music progress into the theme,, they suddenly shifted to a slightly exaggerating and sharp contrast performance style, and take massive playing tap,slap and rasgueado etc skills to create special sound effect, and repeatedly jumping and push gradually. Compared with other works for 6-string guitar duo, the 11-string guitar handled by Mr Matthew Anderson adds brilliance to this music piece, which not only widen the bass range but also makes the music obtain wider dynamic and rich sense of layers. I once luckily watched the live video of The Princess of Lykia played by 2 Asian guitarists, and I think the Athens guitar duo version is much more better.

Another highlight piece of the concert is Silver Clouds Chasing the Moon by Chinese composer Mr Ren Guang, and the Athens guitar duo world premier version is arranged by Cody Brookshire. For Chinese audience, Silver Clouds Chasing the Moon is a well-known music work with typical Guangdong folk music style, characterized by concise, refining, softly and leisurely musical syntax. In such a traditional piece, Cody Brookshire applied modern harmony fantastically. He combines the melody of Chinese traditional folk music together with the harmony of western music through the skills of massive modulation, transposition, sequence and variation etc. While the two guitarists accordingly uses overtone, vibrato, drum playing etc playing skills to make the transformation treatment of volume and timbre meticulous and colorful. They perfectly perform the intro, developing, changing and concluding; light, heavy, relaxing and urgent which are stressed in Chinese folk music, and bring the house down.

The integration and impact of different music style and element run through the whole concert and ends with Andrew Yorks Evening Dance. Athens guitar duo weave a nice “afternoon guitar music fantasy” for Guangzhou guitar fans. Though the two guitarists have different performing style—Mr Dusty Woodruff is partial to dynamic and passionate; Mr Matthew Anderson is partial to calm and rational, while just because of their mutually complementary makes them sparkling and shining on the guitar music stage.

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音乐会海报 Poster of the Concert

大师班剪影 Pics on the master class

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